
Constant Contact PHP Library

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Constant Contact PHP API Library

Version 0.0.1 by Evan Coury

Build Status


This is a complete re-write of the Constant Contact PHP API library.


  1. PHP 5.1.3+ w/ cURL
  2. A valid Constant Contact account. You can register for a free trial with no credit card at http://www.constantcontact.com/.
  3. A valid API Key for your Constant Contact account, obtained from http://developer.constantcontact.com/.

Improvements over the old PHP library

  • 100% PHPUnit test coverage
  • Proper PSR-0 compliance
  • Code style checking
  • Travis-CI integration

Legacy support

If you are using an older version of this library in your application, the old code is still available under the ./legacy/ directory.


Authentication (OAuth2)

Authentication with Constant Contact is supported via OAuth2.

If you haven't already, you can register your client application for OAuth / API access here.

require_once 'ctct_php_library/init_autoloader.php';

$consumerKey    = 'YOURCONSUMERKEY';           // Referred to by Constant Contact as "client_id" or "API key"
$consumerSecret = 'YOURCONSUMERSECRET';        // Referred to by Constant Contact as "client secret"
$returnUrl      = 'https://yoururl/returnurl'; // Must match the URL you registered with Constant Contact

$client = new Ctct_ApiClient($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);

if (empty($_COOKIE['ctctAccessToken'])) {
    if (empty($_GET['code'] || empty($_GET['username'])) {
        $redirectUrl = $client->getAuthorizeUrl($returnUrl);
        header('Location: ' . $redirectUrl);

    try {
       $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken($_GET['code'], $returnUrl);
    } catch (Ctct_Exception $e) {
        echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

    setcookie('ctctAccessToken', $accessToken);
    setcookie('ctctUsername', $_GET['username']);

You are now authenticated with Constant Contact as <?php echo $_COOKIE['ctctUsername']; ?>!