
The static side of the official Star✦Fleet Tours website.

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Star Fleet Tours Website

Copyright © 2019- Star Fleet Tours

This repo is the source for the Star Fleet Tours website. It is built using Lektor, deployed via Travis CI and served by Github Pages, hosted on a custom domain.

Created and maintained by C.A.M. Gerlach and Steven Geraldo, the founders and organizers of Star Fleet Tours, with invaluable help from the one and only Evan Coury. Enjoy!


You can view it live on the web, built by Travis CI in real-time from the latest version of the theme, at the link in the repo description, or build it locally by cloning the repo lektor-icon repo and running lektor server in the star-fleet-tours-website directory (ensure you're using a version of Lektor >=3.1 for theme support). The theme has full support for configuration either via the contents.lr source files, or via the


Content contributions and bug fixes/improvements are welcome! If the latter, we generally recommend aside from trivial patches that you open an issue with your suggested changes before submitting a PR so that feedback can be solicited early in the process and we can properly document everything. Check out the Contributing Guide for more details, code and style standards, and more. Thanks!


The content of this site as a whole, excluding photographs, is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0) license or any later version, meaning (in brief) any re-use of identical, modified or derived versions of significant portions of the text and design must be credited with a the name of and a link to Star Fleet Tours (Attribution), and either released under that same license, or one explicitly declared to be compatible with it ("Share Alike"), which we extend to also include any earlier or later version of the same license.

The underlying theme, Lektor-Icon, and any executable code (excluding markup and stylesheets) is released under the terms of the MIT (Expat) license, components of the latter of which may also have other permissive licenses apply. See the Lektor-Icon license and Notices for more details. Photos and graphics created or commissioned by us are released under the CC-BY-SA 4.0, while those created by others are used with permission and may be covered by other licenses. See the LICENSE.txt in the root of the repository for the full text of the CC-BY-SA 4.0.