
Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Apigility Admin

This module provides the admin interface and API service for the Apigility project.

API Resources


    "adapter_name": "Service name for the DB adapter",
    "database": "Name of the database",
    "driver": "Driver used to make the connection"

Additionally, any other properties used to create the Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter instance may be composed: e.g., "username", "password", etc.


    "name": "normalized module name",
    "namespace": "PHP namespace of the module",
    "is_vendor": "boolean value indicating whether or not this is a vendor (3rd party) module",
    "versions": [
        "available versions"

Additionally, the module resource composes relational links for RPC and REST resources; these use the relations "rpc" and "rest", respectively.


    "controller_service_name": "name of the controller service; this is the identifier, and required",
    "accept_whitelist": [
    "content_type_whitelist": [
    "http_options": [
        "Request methods"
    "route_match": "(Required) String indicating Segment route to match",
    "route_name": "(Only in representation) Name of route associated with endpoint",
    "selector": "(Optional) Content-Negotiation selector to use; Json by default"


    "controller_service_name": "name of the controller service; this is the identifier, and required",
    "accept_whitelist": [
    "adapter_name": "(Only in DB-Connected resources) Name of Zend\\DB adapter service used for this resource",
    "collection_class": "(Only in representation) Name of class representing collection",
    "collection_http_options": [
        "Request methods",
        "on collections"
    "collection_query_whitelist": [
        "query string parameters",
        "to pass to resource for collections"
    "content_type_whitelist": [
    "entity_class": "(Only in representation) Name of class representing resource entity",
    "hydrator_name": "(Only in DB-Connected resources) Name of Zend\\Stdlib\\Hydrator service used for this resource",
    "identifier_name": "(Optional) Name of route parameter and entity property representing the resource identifier; defaults to resource_name + _id",
    "module": "(Only in representation) Name of module in which resource resides",
    "page_size": "(Optional) Integer representing number of entities to return in a given page in a collection; defaults to 25",
    "page_size_param": "(Optional) Name of query string parameter used for pagination; defaults to 'page'",
    "resource_class": "(Only in representation) Name of class representing resource handling operations",
    "resource_http_options": [
        "Request methods",
        "on individual resources"
    "route_match": "(Optional) String indicating Segment route to match; defaults to /resource_name[/:identifier_name]",
    "route_name": "(Only in representation) Name of route associated with api service",
    "selector": "(Optional) Content-Negotiation selector to use; HalJson by default",
    "table_name": "(Only in DB-Connected resources) Name of database table used for this resource",
    "table_service": "(Only in DB-Connected resources) Name of TableGateway service used for this resource"

API services


This endpoint is for examining the application configuration, and providing overrides of individual values in it. All overrides are written to a single file, config/autoload/development.php; you can override that location in your configuration via the zf-configuration/config-file key.

  • Accept: application/json, application/vnd.zfcampus.v1.config+json

    The first will deliver representations as a flat array of key/value pairs, with the keys being dot-separated values, just as you would find in INI.

    The second will deliver the configuration as a tree.

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/vnd.zfcampus.v1.config+json

    The first expects key/value pairs, with keys being dot-separated values, as you would find in INI files.

    The second expects a nested array/object of configuration.

  • Methods: GET, PATCH

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json


This REST endpoint is for creating, updating, and deleting named Zend\Db adapters; it uses the db-adapter resource.

  • Accept application/json

    Returns a db-adapter resource on success.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects db-adapter resource with all details necessary for creating a DB connection.

  • Collection Methods: GET, POST

  • Resource Methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json

/admin/api/config/module?module={module name}

This operates exactly like the /admin/api/config endpoint, but expects a known module name. When provided, it allows you to introspect and manipulate the configuration file for that module.


This endpoint is for API-1st-enabling an existing module.

  • Accept: application/json

    Returns a Module resource on success.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects an object with the property "name" describing an existing ZF2 module.

    "name": "Status"
  • Methods: PUT

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json


This endpoint is for adding a new version to an existing API. If no version is passed in the payload, the version number is simply incremented.

  • Accept: application/json

    Returns the response { "success": true, "version": :version: } on success, an API-Problem payload on error.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects an object with the property "module", providing the name of a ZF2, Apigility-enabled module; optionally, a "version" property may also be provided to indicate the specific version string to use.

      "module": "Status",
      "version": 10
  • Methods: PATCH

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json


This is the canonical endpoint for Module resources.

  • Accept: application/json

    Returns either a single Module resource (when a name is provided) or a collection of Module resources (when no name is provided) on success.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects an object with the property "name" describing the module to create:

    "name": "Status"
  • Collection Methods: GET, POST

  • Resource Methods: GET

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json


This is the canonical endpoint for RPC resources.

  • Accept: application/json

    Returns either a single RPC resource (when a controller_service_name is provided) or a collection of RPC resources (when no controller_service_name is provided) on success.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects an object with the property "service_name" describing the endpoint to create:

      "service_name": "Status"

    You may also provide any other options listed in the RPC resource.

  • Collection Methods: GET, POST

  • Resource Methods: GET, PATCH

  • The query string variable version may be passed to the collection to filter results by version: e.g., /admin/api/module/:name/rpc?version=2.

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json


This is the canonical endpoint for REST resources.

Can be used for any type of REST resource, including DB-Connected (and, in the future, Mongo-Connected).

DB-Connected resources expect the following additional properties (and will return them as well):

  • adapter_name: A named DB adapter service.

  • table_name: The DB table associated with this service.

  • hydrator_name: Optional; the name of a hydrator service used to hydrate rows returned by the database; defaults to ArraySerializable.

  • table_service: Optional; this is auto-generated by default, but an alternate TableGateway service may be provided.

  • Accept: application/json

    Returns either a single REST resource (when a controller_service_name is provided) or a collection of REST resources (when no controller_service_name is provided) on success.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Expects an object with the property "resource_name" describing the module to create:

      "resource_name": "Status"

    You may also provide any other options listed in the REST resource.

  • Collection Methods: GET, POST, DELETE

  • Resource Methods: GET, PATCH

  • The query string variable version may be passed to the collection to filter results by version: e.g., /admin/api/module/:name/rest?version=2.

  • Errors: application/api-problem+json