
C++-to-JSON serialization library

Primary LanguageC++

libjsonwriter, a JSON output library for C++

libjsonwriter provides a library for easy serialization of C++ objects to a JSON format (also usable as a Python literal as well as YAML). It provides output operations for common C++ types including STL containers, and is extensible, meaning you can provide an outputter for your own format, and is simple to use.

Building and installation

This library currently consists of a single header, so there's no building to be done at all. Just copy that header to where you want.

All examples in this README are also available in the examples/ directory of the distribution. Build them by changing to that directory and running scons. (You'll need SCons installed, of course.) ex1 needs a compiler capable of compiling C++11's initializer list support; if you are using GCC, it will automatically pass -std=c++0x to your compiler.

In addition, I should probably write some tests one of these days.

How to serialize an object

Serializing an object for which all component types have a serialize function defined is easy:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <jsonwriter/writer.hh>

int main() {
    std::vector<int> v = {1, 4, 9, 16};
    jsonwriter::serialize(std::cout, v);
    std::cout << "\n";

Simply call serialize; the first parameter is an std::ostream & to write to and the second parameter is the object to be printed. This program will produce the output

[1, 4, 9, 16]

Provided serializers

The serialize function is overloaded for different types; libjsonwriter provides overloads for the following:

  • int [will likely change to long long in the future]
  • unsigned long [will likely change to unsigned long long]
  • std::string [will likely provide an overload for basic_string]
  • std::vector<T>, outputted as a JSON array
  • std::map<T,U>, outputted as a JSON object
  • std::pair<T,U>, outputted as a two-element JSON array

Note: because JSON requires the keys in an object be strings (because in Javascript the literal {"a": 1, "b": 2}denotes an objectowith fieldso.aando.b), when serializing an std::mapthe keys must serialize to a string. (In other words, the key must be either anstd::string` or some custom type that is rendered as one.) No effort is currently made to ensure that this is true, and if it is not, then you will get invalid JSON. (A future version of the library may check whether the result of serializing each key parses as a string, and wrap it if not.)

Extending the serializer for your own types

It is easy to extend the framework to your own types.

Writing a custom serializer

To serialize your own type, you simply provide an overload of serialize that operates on it. Like the standard ones, the first parameter should take an std::ostream (by non-const reference, of course) and the second parameter should be the type in question (by value, reference, or const reference). To be fully usable, this overload must appear in either the same namespace as the type you want to serialize or in the jsonwriter namespace. (See two sections below.)

Important: At a later date, this will be rearranged so you will need to overload a function called do_serialize instead.

For instance:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include <jsonwriter/writer.hh>

namespace my_library {
    // Define a simple Person class
    class Person {
        std::string name_;
        Person(std::string const & name)
            : name_(name)
        std::string get_name() const {
            return name_;

    // Overload the serialize function. Will output
    // something like '{ "name": "Fred Bob" }'
    void serialize(std::ostream & out,
                   Person const & p)
        out << "{ \"name\": ";
    // We could just say 'out << p.get_name();',
    // but calling the usual 'serialize' function
        // will mean that we don't have to deal with
        // adding quotes ourselves, or people with
        // special characters (like " or \) in their
        // names (unlikely as that may be).
    jsonwriter::serialize(out, p.get_name());
    out << " }";

using my_library::Person;

int main() {
    std::vector<Person> vp;
    vp.push_back(Person("Bruce Wayne"));
    vp.push_back(Person("Clark Kent"));
    vp.push_back(Person("Tony Stark"));
    jsonwriter::serialize(std::cout, vp);
std::cout << "\n";

This example will output the following JSON (reformatted for readability):

[ { "name": "Bruce Wayne" },
  { "name": "Clark Kent"  },
  { "name": "tony Stark"  }

Outputting structures

If you have a structure (or class with public fields), you can easily define a serialize function for it using the macro JSONWRITER_DEFINE_SERIALIZE. This takes two parameters; the first is the name of the structure type and the second is a sequence of fields of the form (type1, name1)(type2, name2)...(typeN, nameN). Note that there is no comma between the fields, but there is one within each.

Note: This will change in the future to omit the types, to be something like (name1)(name2)...(nameN).

This macro will expand to a definition of serialize in the current namespace (thus you should use this in the same namespace as the type definition) that outputs the struct as a JSON object: the keys are the names of the fields as strings and the values are the serialized field values.

There is no need to list all the fields in a structure, and the struct doesn't have to be POD.

There is one more convenience macro, JSONWRITER_DEFINE_SERIALIZED_STRUCT, which defines both the structure and serialize overload in one fell swoop. This is useful if you don't have an explicit representation of the data you want to output, and would prefer to build up essentially an AST then output that. The use is the same as JSONWRITER_DEFINE_SERIALIZE. (The signature of this will not change to eliminate the types, however.)

Here is an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include <jsonwriter/writer.hh>

using std::string;

    (std::vector<string>, lines)
    (string, city)
    (string, state)
    (string, postal_code))

    (string,  name)
    (Address, address)
    (int,     age))

int main() {
    Address address;
    address.lines.push_back = "1007 Mountain Drive";
    address.city = "Gotham";
    address.state = "DC";
    address.postal_code = "12345";

    Person batman;
    batman.name = "Batman";
    batman.address = address;
    batman.age = 30;

    serialize(std::cout, batman);
std::cout << "\n";

This prints (reformatted):

{   "name": "Batman",
    "address": {
        "lines": [ "1007 Mountain Drive" ],
        "city": "Gotham",
        "state": "DC",
        "postal_code": "12345" },
    "age": 30

At a later time, I may add the ability to use accessor functions ("getters") instead of just fields. If you want this feature, drop me a line and maybe I'll add it. (Or propose a patch!)

The above is enough information for practical use. However, if you would like a deeper understanding of how pieces fit together, continue reading.

A whirlwind explanation of Argument-Dependent Lookup

There is a key feature of C++ called argument-dependent lookup (ADL), informally also referred to as Koenig Lookup. The process defined by ADL describes how the compiler resolves each particluar function call to determine the actual callee.

In particular, ADL specifies that for a function call like foo(x, y), the C++ compiler will look in the namespaces of x's and y's types in addition to any of the places it would look if you just called foo() (the current namespace, it's parents, and anything explicitly usinged).

(This feature was introduced mostly because of operator overloading. The function operator<<(ostream&, int) is defined in the std namespace, but you don't have to want to say something like std::cout std::<< 5; or something like that. Instead, we would prefer that the compiler look for operator<< in the same namespace as std::cout.)

libjsonwriter is able to take advantage of ADL in its functions for outputting vectors, maps, and other containers. The reason is that we can say something like serialize(out, myvec[0]) and no matter what the value type is of myvec, the compiler will look in that type's namespace for that serialize definition.