
robots.txt utilities for Node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cyborg.txt: robots.txt stuff for Node

A collection of utilities for all your robots.txt needs, like building a web crawler or your own robots-serving website.


npm install cyborg.txt

For webcrawlers

var robots = require("cyborg.txt");

// Given a URL, where's the corresponding robots.txt file?
robots.url("http://example.com"); // => http://example.com/robots.txt
robots.url("http://example.com/some/path/to/file.jpg"); // => http://example.com/robots.txt

For webmasters

var robots = require('cyborg.txt');

// Build the body of a robots.txt

  '*': ['/secrets'],
  'another-web-crawler': ['cool_folder/hiddenA'], // you can ignore the slash at the start
  'let-everything-through-crawler': [] // allow anything
  'CoolSearchEngine': ['/hidden_picture.jpg', '/something_else.txt'],

  User-agent: *
  Disallow: /secrets

  User-agent: CoolSearchEngine
  Disallow: /hidden_picture.jpg

  User-agent: let-everything-through-crawler

  User-agent: another-web-crawler
  Disallow: /cool_folder/hiddenA
  Disallow: /cool_folder/hidden


robots.build(); // allow anything through

  User-agent: *

// Use as Connect middleware (works with Express)

var connect = require('connect');
var app = connect();
app.use(robots.middleware({  // takes same options as robots.build
  '*': ['/secret_lair']