
pseudocode and algorithms for the paper "Alpha$^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning"

Primary LanguagePython

$\text{Alpha}^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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This repository contains pseudocode and algorithms for the paper "$\text{Alpha}^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning". It does not contain a runnnable version of $\text{Alpha}^2$, but provides the design principals and code structures.

Code Structure

  • utils: utility functions for logging and loading configs
  • computation_data.py: Generates a data file for the experiment ro run
  • run.py: main file for running the experiment
  • run.sh: script to start an experiment: first generate computation data, then start the runner
  • configs configuration files
  • trainer.py: definition of MCTS and network trainer actors for ray
  • expression contains definition of the environment, including:
    • evaluate.py defines teh evaluation function
    • legal_actions.py calculates the legal actions when expanding an MCTS node
    • meta_data.py meta data of stock/futures market
    • operands.py definition of operands
    • operators.py definition of operators
    • tokens.py tokens wrap the implementation of operators, and implements a "validity_check" function for legal action check
    • port.py avoid ray recursive import
    • structure.py defines the structure of tokens, tree nodes, dimensions and values
    • tree.py defines the structure and computation of expression trees
  • mcts contains MCTS and network related code, which is an modificated version of alphadev

Cite this work

    title={$\text{Alpha}^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning},
    author={Feng Xu and Yan Yin and Xinyu Zhang and Tianyuan Liu and Shengyi Jiang and Zongzhang Zhang},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.16505},