
Fork of proto2cpp:

Primary LanguagePython

Doxygen filter for Google Protocol Buffers .proto files

How to enable this filter in Doxygen:

  1. Generate Doxygen configuration file with command 'doxygen -g ': e.g. doxygen -g doxyfile
  2. In the Doxygen configuration file, find FILE_PATTERNS and add *.proto: FILE_PATTERNS = *.proto
  3. In the Doxygen configuration file, find EXTENSION_MAPPING and add proto=C++: EXTENSION_MAPPING = proto=C++
  4. In the Doxygen configuration file, find INPUT_FILTER and add this script: INPUT_FILTER = "python proto2cpp.py"
  5. Run Doxygen with the modified configuration: doxygen doxyfile

Following change is recommended by Timo Marjoniemi but must not be used: In the Doxygen configuration file, find JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF and set it enabled: JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = YES

Version history

0.8-beta (2018-12-09) OSI

0.7-beta (2018-04-19) OSI

  • Include changes from University of California.
  • Support for all OSI *.proto files.
  • Separate statement and comments to treat both parts differently (remove bugs regarding string modifications).
  • Remove "option" statements.
  • Add support for "extend" statements.
  • Change "repeat" from Template to standard member. --> Better collaboration diagrams.
  • Fix problems with references of nested messages (replace "." with "::").
  • Change mapping from C to C++.
  • Bugfix and extensions have been made by Open Simulation Interface (OSI) Carsten Kuebler https://github.com/OpenSimulationInterface

0.6-beta (2015-07-27)

  • made output to be more compact by removing extra empty lines and not moving member comments before the member but keeping it after the member instead
    • these changes lead into need of enabling JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF
  • added steps for enabling the filter in Doxygen in this file

0.5-beta (2014-11-16)

  • fixed enum ending to have semicolon to have proper enum syntax in struct (thanks to m47iast for pointing this out)

0.4-beta (2013-08-29)

  • 'classified' proto2cpp and updated documentation to make the script itself Doxygen compatible
  • changed all print statements to print() functions
    • 64-bit Python v3.3.1 running on 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium did not automatically convert print statements to print() functions but instead raised a syntax error
  • made a change so that .proto files are converted before printing and other files are printed to stdout as is
    • this allows using the filter with multiple file types

0.3-alpha (2013-01-29)

  • moved .proto file parsing logic to another function
  • added comments to the file

0.2-pre-alpha (2012-06-15)

  • added support for enums

0.1-pre-alpha (2012-06-13)

  • initial version


Version 0.7-beta -

Extensions for Open Simulation Interface - License MIT

Version 0.7-beta

Copyright (C) 2016 Regents of the University of California https://github.com/vgteam/vg

Version 0.1-beta - 0.6-beta

Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Timo Marjoniemi https://sourceforge.net/p/proto2cpp/wiki/Home/