
My personal copy of this grand app.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GitBash
  • Web-API'sstatus
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap


This is going to be an app that tracks your daily nutritional intake.

You will use the search bar tied to an API, connected to a database of nutritional facts. You will add your food and its weight to the search bar and receive nutritional facts based on the food type and weight. This info will then be logged to the local storage. Then the data will be compiled into a list of your daily nutritional intake based on calories, vitamins, etc. We will also incorporate an API tied to photos or gifs to produce images of the food searched to provide a more visually appealing ascetic.

User Story

As a person watching my diet

I want to be able to monitor my daily nutrional intake

SO that I can eat more healthily

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a place to log the food you eat

WHEN I enter the amount of a certain kind of food I ate

THEN I am presented with the nutritional value and a picture of that food

WHEN I save that food item to the log

THEN that nutritional information is stored locally and persists on the page

WHEN I scroll to the bottom of the page

THEN I am presented with total amounts of the different nutritional value consumed that day

Screenshot of Website

Deployed Webpage Screenshot


Link to the deployed website