
To run, open command prompt in the Angular 'ClientApp' folder, and run 'npm start'. Then open a command prompt in the project folder and run 'dotnet watch run'. Then open a window in a browser and go to: https://localhost:5001/. Then access the nav menu item called 'Create User'. In the text box enter any name and press 'enter'. This will call the API I started to create for the portion of the escrow feature of creating a user as a card holder in Galileo 'Instant'.

--> If you don't wish to go this route to run the program and just want to run the project by clicking the debug/run button in Visual Studio, you can switch the commenting of these lines in the 'Startup.cs' file, towards the end:

//spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start");



Infinity Heart Network enables you to express your wisdom and compassion within a social network of engaged contributors. Fruitful discussions lead to powerful projects, making an impact on society. A better future for everyone.

What I've done today, is made a great stride into implementing a project funding mechanism with Galileo 'Instant'. The goal is to allow users to create philanthropic projects that may be funded by the community. To do this I am creating and escrow account on the Project entity with the Galileo API's, allowing users to donate to the project.

Unfortunately, I have been in the process of moving into a new house and had to stop early on my endeavors.

So far I've fleshed out the database schema, and I'm inches away from creating a Card Holder through the API. I was able to make successful calls on the API through the C# HttpClient to acquire the sign-in tokens as well as the 'agreements' required for Card Holder creation. In the future I will integrate this into the Infinity Heart Network project I've been creating.