
A full-length novel

Primary LanguageCSS

Metaphors For Coding



Once upon a time there was a land called Fignatia, and Fignatia was involved in a very violent civil war. In the west was a splinter nation called Woke Nation, which had rebelled against its tyrannical leaders and believed in common causes such as opposing fascism, addressing climate change, and helping the poor. To the east were the evil forces of Freedom Nation, a name they insisted on calling themselves until Woke Nation was reclaimed. Freedom Nation, a highly backwards but militarily superior country, valued meaningless traditional relics like the nuclear family, protecting the Bill of Rights, and being allowed to eat a damn burger without being lectured about climate change. Freedom Nation was beyond reason and had to be stopped.

Currently, the two were in a deadlock. Freedom Nation had invented a powerful six zillion dollar aircraft (which they funded by simply printing money) called the “Everything Plane,” which served as an air superiority fighter, a stealth bomber, a reconnaissance drone, a transport vehicle, a pizza delivery service and, when the weather permitted it, a helicopter. Fortunately, Woke Nation had used its vastly superior cyber technology to steal their plans and invent their own plane. This aircraft was called the “J-Everyting Plane,” and it was exactly the same as the Everything Plane in every possible way except that it had a J in front of it.

Freedom Nation had more planes, but Woke Nation had more anti-aircraft missile turrets. These turrets were part of an elaborate defensive campaign called “Asymmetrical Warfare,” and their unit cost was a fraction of the Everything Plane’s. In addition, these missile turrets could detect invisible units, fire projectiles at 370 miles per hour, and do +20 damage at a +2 range if the weapons operator was smart enough to upgrade range within the first 12 minutes of spawning. What Woke Nation and Freedom Nation did not realize was that their respective leaders were actually unified. The civil war had become necessary to their respective economies, and it provided both nations with steadily increasing S&P500s (they both had different indices), nifty inventions such as microwaves and instant coffee, and lots and lots of jobs building an endless supply of military drones that fought out in the ocean and blew each other up before they could come anywhere close to humans. It was in everyone’s best interest that war continue indefinitely.