Research in Action Primitive Discovery for Robotics

Primary LanguagePython

Setup Instructions

Setup each of the following, in order:

  1. Ubuntu 16.04

  2. ROS Kinetic (http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu & http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials)

  3. Gazebo 7 (Installs with ROS installation)

  4. Baxter Gazebo Simulation (http://sdk.rethinkrobotics.com/wiki/Simulator_Installation) a. Note, we are not using the baxter.sh sim script

  5. PyperPlan (https://bitbucket.org/malte/pyperplan) a. Manually download the code to the src directory and rename it 'pyperplan'

  6. cpDetect (https://github.com/choderalab/cpdetect.git)

  7. Clone the RAPDR project

** At this point, the file heirarchy should take the following form:

    catkin_ws/src/*all baxter gazebo packages*
  1. Build:

     cd ~/catkin_ws
     source devel/setup.bash

Run instructions

Each of the following should be run in a separate terminal window:

  1. Launch baxter sim.

     roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
  2. Spawn the environment elements (table, buttons, object)

     rosrun environment initialize_environment.py
  3. Spawn the robot action server nodes (each in a seperate terminal window):

    1. Service for obtaining object

       rosrun agent obtain_object.py
    2. Service for pressing button

       rosrun agent press_button.py
  4. Spawn data conversion node (converts raw data into predicate form)

     rosrun environment scenario_data.py
  5. Spawn the PDDL nodes (each in a seperate terminal window):

    1. Service for generating pddl plans

       rosrun pddl plan_generator.py
    2. Service for executing pddl plans

       rosrun pddl plan_executor.py
  6. Spawn partial plan execution node (for executing segmentations)

     rosrun agent partial_plan_executor.py
  7. Spawn action primitive variation node

     rosrun action_primitive_variation APV_server.py
  8. Run the agent brain (creepy). All configs are set here.

     rosrun agent brain.py

Other Info

The URDF models are inside the baxter_simulation package in a folder that I believe is called baxter_sim_examples/models. The URDF model for the table and the wall is called cafe_table.

  1. For proof of concept scenario #1, we assume the following protocol:

"left_gripper" - left gripper \n "right_gripper" - right gripper \n "block" - object to obtain \n "left_button" - left button \n "right_button" - right button \n

  1. Many of the .py files might not be runnable. Navigate to their directories and run:

     chmod +x [filename]

For example:

    chmod +x brain.py