
This project it's using:


  • Comic list
  • Character list
  • Comic details
  • Filters

Project structure

The structure of this project it's based on folder-by-feature and you will be able see some advantages bellow (try to take a look in the project structure first).

  • src/
    • app/
      • core/
      • character/
      • comic/
      • shared/
        • component/
        • constant/
        • interface/
        • utils/
  • assests/
    • fonts/
  • environments/

In a structure like that you will easily indentify the systeam features and easily find a features files (e.g when you have a problem in a feature), just with files names you are able to know what that file contains (e.g .spec will have tests), all your features code will be separeted and organized (e.g each feature being a module), make it easy the lazy loading strategy, etc. You can read more about LIFT guidelines and folder-by-feature

How to run

Since this project use the Marvel API, you have to follow some steps before run the application:

  1. Sign in on Marvel API
  2. Allow your domain to acess the API (if you are using localhost you also have to allow it)
In case you are running local
  1. Create a new environment.local.ts on src\environments folder with the following structure:
export const environment = {
  production: false,
  marvelPublicKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_MARVEL_API'
  1. Just run using npm run start:hmr or ng serve --configuration=local
In case you are running in a server
  1. You will have to setup your public Marvel API in you enviroment
  2. Create a script or use the envConfig.js, on root folder, to fill the marvelPublicKey on Angular enviroment file with YOUR public Marvel API 6.1. The is already setup with a marvelPublicKey: '$API_KEY'
  3. Deploy it 7.1. Take a look on Heroku


  • 100% .ts file coverage with unitary tests
  • Componet tests just to the main flow

Running tests

  • npm run test to generate code coverage
    • open coverage\marvel-catalog\index.html to see the coverage
  • ng test just run all the tests