
IBM i CL program to put a list of message queues in *break mode for monitoring

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple CL program for the IBM i (nee iSeries, nee AS/400) that I use to put a bunch of different message queues in break mode every day when I log in.

First it puts the current workstation message queue and the current user’s message queue in break mode (with severity level 0) and then it puts all the queues it finds in the file MSGQLIST into break mode, with whatever severity level is listed in the file.

DDS for the file is in MSGQLIST. It defines a three-field physical file, one field is for the library where the message queue lives, another field is for the queue name, and the third is the severity level to use. Create a physical file in the usual way. The program has a DCLF call near the beginning to this physical file. It says *libl/msgqlist. You might need to change the library name if you want the file to live somewhere else.

MONMSGQSCL is the CL source for the program. The source member MONMSGQS is a CMD source, with just the one line, ‘CMD.” You can make that fancier if you want to. Compile it with the usual CRTCMD command, being sure to use MONMSGQSCL as the “Program to process command” parameter. It has a different name from the CL program source, because I tend to keep all my source files in a single file for a given application, rather than the usual IBM way.