
Docker Containerize osu!db as a MySQL Service

Primary LanguageShell

osu! Data on Docker

Docker Compose CI

Retrieving database data from https://data.ppy.sh/ and importing it into MySQL can be a time-consuming and complex task. Extracting a large .tar.bz2 file and setting up a new MySQL installation can pose challenges, particularly for developers eager to quickly explore the data.

I've developed a docker compose project to

  1. abstract away and automate these steps
  2. serve MySQL database in a virtual machine (container)
  3. (optional) additionally store all ranked/loved .osu files in a service
    • This service is optional and can be activated with docker compose --profile files up.

Get Started

IMPORTANT: You must manually recreate the MySQL Service if you changed the data used.

  1. Clone me
git clone https://github.com/Eve-ning/osu-data-docker.git
  1. Setup what you need in the .env file
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD is exactly what it is. Note that it MUST adhere to certain requirements: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/validate-password.html
    • MYSQL_PORT exposes the MySQL container the host via this port.
    • DB_URL is the Database URL to import from https://data.ppy.sh. Include the full URL including .tar.bz2.
    • FILES_URL is the Files URL to import from https://data.ppy.sh. Include the full URL including .tar.bz2.
    • OSU_...: To speed up importing, exclude certain files. Field names are shown to describe the data they contain. Default settings excludes files deemed less useful and too large.

For example, we can download the osu!catch database with all osu! files with this .env.


# Excluded 
# Included 
# truncated ...
  1. Compose Up with Build
docker compose up --build  # For Database only
docker compose --build --profile files up  # For Database AND `.osu` files.
  1. Connect via your favorite tools on localhost:<MYSQL_PORT>
  2. Stop the containers
docker compose stop

Updating Database

  • Change to another database.
    • docker compose down to remove all containers
    • Update .env and build again.
docker compose down --volumes
docker compose up --build  # For Database only
docker compose --build --profile files up  # For Database AND `.osu` files.
  • Shutdown containers and delete volumes (volumes = MySQL data and .osu files)
docker compose down --volumes

Connecting via Terminal

Check the container names via exec. Container name found with docker container ls

docker exec -it <container_name> sh

Connect via MySQL. Default password is p@ssw0rd1

sh-4.4# mysql -u root -p 
Enter password: <PASSWORD>
mysql> use osu;
mysql> select * from osu_scores_fruits_high limit 10;
+----------+------------+---------+----------+ ...
| score_id | beatmap_id | user_id | score    | ...
+----------+------------+---------+----------+ ...
|       34 |      70915 |  489271 |  5312855 | ...
|      246 |      65233 |  489271 | 14784138 | ...
|  2900398 |      21014 |  129806 |   329618 | ...
|  2900572 |      29036 |  129806 |   678912 | ...


The database is tuned to be fast in importing speed, thus some adjustment are required if you use want ACID transactions. Notably, you should enable innodb_doublewrite = 1 (or simply remove the line) to re-enable the default behavior.

Important Matters

  1. Do not distribute the built images as per peppy's request. Instead, you can just share the code to build your image, which should yield the same result.
  2. This database is meant to be for analysis, it's not tuned for production. Tweak mysql.cnf after importing for more MySQL customizations.
  3. Finally, be mindful on conclusions you make from the data.