- 3
Mounting volumes
#42 opened by BoasE - 1
- 2
Instructions for docker swarm mode?
#54 opened by drozzy - 1
Official Event Store image needed
#60 opened by riccardone - 1
Parameterize dockerfile
#56 opened by dasjestyr - 1
- 2
- 3
Configure Authentication/Users
#73 opened by ghandmann - 1
Configuration for docker swarm
#62 opened by MassiAtHG - 3
What should be the memory usage when idle?
#63 opened by frederiksf - 1
No image available for the 5.0.2 release
#65 opened by baronfel - 4
Out of memory
#55 opened by drozzy - 1
Environment variable EVENTSTORE_INT_IP not being used when EVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_SIZE is set
#45 opened by W13ts38 - 7
Helm support
#38 opened by Lanayx - 12
what makes this image not ready for production?
#41 opened by ksatirli - 2
How to set a custom EXT_HTTP_PORT?
#33 opened by bmmpt - 6
Alpine linux lightweight variant
#9 opened by shouze - 11
Why random external port does not work?
#6 opened by shouze - 12
web admin ui inaccessible
#80 opened by markglibres - 4
Issue: Docker container does no run as is
#79 opened by bertrand-caron - 1
The "latest" image is not the latest
#66 opened by enumag - 22
Why don't use in production?
#7 opened by shouze - 2
- 1
Ho to run in-memory mode
#68 opened by iberodev - 6
Official EventStore image needed
#34 opened by pgermishuys - 1
kill container
#53 opened by iamarandomperson - 2
- 1
Why can't this be used in production?
#28 opened by PaulGrimshaw - 2
Can't run projections
#23 opened by drozzy - 2
Version tags on Docker hub
#1 opened by ruudud - 1
- 0