Distributed data engine for Python/SQL designed for the cloud, powered by Rust
- amitpasupathy
- arifalknerHaven
- as2626Ithaca, New York
- bryanseethor
- Cavinooo
- charliermarsh@astral-sh
- christinekim2014
- dfangshuoUniversity of California, Berkeley
- dinobb18
- elaineyilinliuSeattle
- ianlo
- jeevbFreenome
- jy396
- kartikyeDots
- kenkcchew@middesk
- KishoreMayank
- lindawangg@facebook, ex-@lyft, University of Waterloo
- malhotraaEarth
- MarvinBertinFreenome
- migueltol22
- monstaht
- nliu132
- praateekmahajanNVIDIA
- rayg1234
- Rvb27
- samikshro
- samuellye98
- schildkrout
- shydefooSingapore
- slye-stripe
- song-william
- sunburnsid
- ttran428
- valayDaveSan Francisco, CA
- vali-irimia
- ygoshuNew York