
Simple map demo

Primary LanguageVue

Users Search - Torre API

This is a small project that uses the TORRE.CO BIO API.


  • Vue.JS.
  • OpenStreetMap.
  • Vercel Serverless functions.



  • Bootstrap the app. [X]
  • Implement a Serverless Service to fetch the torre api. [X]
  • Show Raw Data in console for testing. [X]
  • Integrate a Map Visualizer, full screen. [X]
    • Choose between GMaps and OpenStreetMap. [X]
  • Show a Specific user location by getting the lat/long params from the TORRE.CO BIO API. [x]

Roadmap - Improvements.

  • Show all users in the map with a heatmap-ish visualization. [ :( ]
    • Status: I did some tests with heatmaps, need to play around a little bit more with the API's to get the data needed.
  • Given Specific Zoom-in events, replace the heat map by pointers for each user. [ :(]
    • Since it was coupled with the heatmap feature, can't put it together either. [ :( ]
  • onClick over each user, show some details about them .(name, links,bio, etc). [X]

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.



Visit the Demo here.