
Vscode custom css with apc customize ui++



A clean and minimalistic user interface for your vscode with catpputccin frapé theme
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Contact

About The Project


This project showcases the ability to customize Visual Studio Code (VS Code) setup, tailored to improve my productivity and make my coding environment more personal and productive. By modifying themes, extensions, keybindings and settings to be as minimalistic as possible but not too much

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  1. Install extensions
  1. Import css
  • Copy my "custom ui section" in settings.json file to the last line of your settings.json
  • About customizing the welcome screen. After you install all the extensions, open the Command Palette and select "Animations: Open the Custom CSS" and paste all the Custom-Animations.css there

alt text

  • You can customize the welcome screen to your liking with this website: PNG to SVG Converter and open the svg with any text editor, copy all the content in it paste here SVG to CSS Converter , Copy CSS Background and change the "background-image:..." in the Custom-Animations.css.

Note that images are displayed in black and white only

After all, restart your vscode


If you like it, feel free to use it, it's customizable

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Ryuu43 - @Ryuu43Dev - ryuu43.dev@gmail.com

Project Link: [https://github.com/EverythingCustomizable/minimal-frape)

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