Effective english

Blog for learning English course in Effective band

  1. npm i - install packages
  2. npm start - start project localy
  3. Create new folder (./content/blog/) and new md-file inside that folder to create new article
  4. npm deploy - deploy to Github-pages

If you have problems with lunch this project, you may install globaly gatsby-cli: npm install -g gatsby-cli, in Linux OS with a sudo rights

GutHub hosting: [https://evgenyleukhin.github.io/effective-english/]

Created by: [https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog]

Text formating in md-files:

  • # Title1, ## Title2 and so on - titles
  • Paragraph - simple text - paragraphs
  • **Italic** - italic
  • *Bold* - italic
  • > blockquote - blockquote
  • - Something, 1. Something - lists
  • [Link text](http://link-url.com) - links
  • ![Image alt text](./filename.jpg) - load images in article, image should in the same folder the an article