
Fast, scalable and flexible Outlier Detection with Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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OutlierDetection.jl is a Julia toolkit for detecting outlying objects, also known as anomalies. This package is an effort to make Julia a first-class citizen in the Outlier- and Anomaly-Detection community. Why should you use this package?

  • Provides a unified API for outlier detection in Julia
  • Provides access to state-of-the-art outlier detection algorithms
  • Seamlessly integrates with Julia's existing machine learning ecosystem


It is recommended to use Pkg.jl for installation. Follow the command below to install the latest official release or use ] add OutlierDetection in the Julia REPL.

import Pkg;

If you would like to modify the package locally, you can use Pkg.develop(OutlierDetection) or ] dev OutlierDetection in the Julia REPL. This fetches a full clone of the package to ~/.julia/dev/ (the path can be changed by setting the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR).


You typically want to interface with OutlierDetection.jl through the MLJ-API. However, it's also possible to use OutlierDetection.jl without MLJ. The main parts of the API are the functions fit, score, and to. Note that the raw API uses the columns-as-observations convention for improved performance, and we transpose the input data.

using OutlierDetection
using OutlierDetectionData: ODDS

# create a detector (a collection of hyperparameteres)
lof = LOF()

# download and open the thyroid benchmark dataset
X, y = ODDS.load("thyroid")

# use 50% of the data for training
n_train = Int(length(y) * 0.5)
train, test = eachindex(y)[1:n_train], eachindex(y)[n_train+1:end]

# learn a model from data
model = fit(lof, X[train, :])

# predict outlier scores with learned model
train_scores, test_scores = score(lof, model, X[test, :])

# transform scores to binary labels= detect(Class(), train_scores, test_scores)


The main difference between the raw API and MLJ is, besides method naming differences, the introduction of a machine. In the raw API, we explicitly pass the results of fitting a detector (models) to further score calls. Machines allow us to hide that complexity by binding data directly to detectors and automatically passing fit results to further transform (unsupervised) or predict (supervised) calls. Under the hood, transform and predict pass the input data and previous fit result to score.

using MLJ # or using MLJBase
using OutlierDetection
using OutlierDetectionData: ODDS

# download and open the thyroid benchmark dataset
X, y = ODDS.load("thyroid");

# use 50% of the data for training
n_train = Int(length(y) * 0.5)
train, test = eachindex(y)[1:n_train], eachindex(y)[n_train+1:end]

# create a pipeline consisting of a detector and classifier
pipe = @pipeline LOF() Class()

# create a machine by binding the pipeline to data
mach = machine(pipe, X)

# learn from data
fit!(mach, rows=train)

# predict labels with learned machine= transform(mach, rows=test)

Algorithms (also known as Detectors)

Algorithms marked with '✓' are implemented in Julia. Algorithms marked with '✓ (py)' are implemented in Python (thanks to the wonderful PyOD library) with an existing Julia interface through PyCall. If you would like to know more, open the detector reference. Note: If you would like to use a Python-variant of an algorithm, prepend the algorithm name with Py, e.g., PyLOF is the Python variant of LOF.

Name Description Year Status Authors
LMDD Linear deviation-based outlier detection 1996 ✓ (py) Arning et al.
KNN Distance-based outliers 1997 Knorr and Ng
MCD Minimum covariance determinant 1999 ✓ (py) Rousseeuw and Driessen
KNN Distance to the k-th nearest neighbor 2000 Ramaswamy
LOF Local outlier factor 2000 Breunig et al.
OCSVM One-Class support vector machine 2001 ✓ (py) Schölkopf et al.
KNN Sum of distances to the k-nearest neighbors 2002 Angiulli and Pizzuti
COF Connectivity-based outlier factor 2002 Tang et al.
LOCI Local correlation integral 2003 ✓ (py) Papadimitirou et al.
CBLOF Cluster-based local outliers 2003 ✓ (py) He et al.
PCA Principal component analysis 2003 ✓ (py) Shyu et al.
IForest Isolation forest 2008 ✓ (py) Liu et al.
ABOD Angle-based outlier detection 2009 Kriegel et al.
SOD Subspace outlier detection 2009 ✓ (py) Kriegel et al.
HBOS Histogram-based outlier score 2012 ✓ (py) Goldstein and Dengel
SOS Stochastic outlier selection 2012 ✓ (py) Janssens et al.
AE Auto-encoder reconstruction loss outliers 2015 Aggarwal
ABOD Stable angle-based outlier detection 2015 Li et al.
LODA Lightweight on-line detector of anomalies 2016 ✓ (py) Pevný
DeepSAD Deep semi-supervised anomaly detection 2019 Ruff et al.
COPOD Copula-based outlier detection 2020 ✓ (py) Li et al.
ROD Rotation-based outlier detection 2020 ✓ (py) Almardeny et al.
ESAD End-to-end semi-supervised anomaly detection 2020 Huang et al.

If there are already so many algorithms available in Python - why Julia, you might ask? Let's have some fun!

using OutlierDetection, MLJ
using BenchmarkTools: @benchmark
X = rand(100000, 10);
lof = machine(LOF(k=5, algorithm=:balltree, leafsize=30, parallel=true), X) |> fit!
pylof = machine(PyLOF(n_neighbors=5, algorithm="ball_tree", leaf_size=30, n_jobs=-1), X) |> fit!

Julia enables you to implement your favorite algorithm in no time and it will be fast, blazingly fast.

@benchmark transform(lof, X)
> median time:      807.962 ms (0.00% GC)

Interoperating with Python is easy!

@benchmark transform(pylof, X)
> median time:      31.077 s (0.00% GC)


OutlierDetection.jl is a community effort and your help is extremely welcome! See our contribution guide for more information how to contribute to the project.

Inclusion Guidelines

We are excited to make Julia a first-class citizen in the outlier detection community and happily accept algorithm contributions to OutlierDetection.jl.

We consider well-established algorithms for inclusion. A rule of thumb is at least two years since publication, 100+ citations, and wide use and usefulness. Algorithms that do not meet the inclusion criteria can simply extend our API. The external algorithms can also be listed in our documentation if the authors wish so.

Additionally, algorithms that implement functionality that is useful on their own should live in their own package, wrapped by OutlierDetection.jl. Algorithms that build primarily on top of existing packages can be implemented directly in OutlierDetection.jl.

Contributors ✨

Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

David Muhr

💻 ⚠️ 📖 🚧

Páll Haraldsson


Anthony Blaom, PhD


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!