
Merklion demo chat application

Primary LanguagePHP

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Merklion Chat Demo App

This chat application based on Docker containers, here is the list:

  • mysql - Database server
  • phpmyadmin - For management of MySQL
  • redis - Was added for support of multirooms
  • socket - Socket.IO server for communication between clients
  • laravel - Login pages, API and VueJS

How to use

1. Preparation

Clone the repo and change your work directory to root of sources

git clone https://github.com/EvilFreelancer/merklion-chat.git
cd nowescape-blockchain

Now you need prepare docker compose config file:

cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml

Inside docker-compose.yml you need change the values to the ones you need, for example you do not want to tun this project on 80 port, to fix that you need just change this line 80:80 to what you need (7777:80).

Run first iteration of Docker environment

docker-compose up -d

2. Install all required components

I assume that there are no development tools on your computer, so you need to login to Laravel container:

docker-compose exec laravel bash

Fix write permissions on a few important folders

chown apache:apache bootstrap/ -R
chown apache:apache storage/ -R

End exit from container


3. Set up the application

Login into container

docker-compose exec laravel bash

Create database and seed tables

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

The End

Now you just need open following page http://localhost in your browser and you will get the result of my work.

Thanks for reading!