Official Website for Event-based Synthetic Aperture Imaging: https://dvs-whu.cn/projects/esai/

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Official Website for Learning to See Through with Events.

Although synthetic aperture imaging (SAI) can achieve the seeing-through effect by blurring out off-focus foreground occlusions while recovering in-focus occluded scenes from multi-view images, its performance is often deteriorated by very dense occlusions and extreme lighting conditions. To address the problem, this paper presents an Event-based SAI (E-SAI) method by relying on the asynchronous events with extremely low latency and high dynamic range acquired by an event camera. Specifically, the collected events are first refocused by a Refocus-Net module through aligning in-focus events while scattering out off-focus ones. Following that, a hybrid network composed of spiking neural networks (SNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is proposed to encode the spatio-temporal information from the refocused events and reconstruct a visual image of the occluded targets.

Exhaustive experiments demonstrate that our proposed E-SAI method can achieve remarkable performance in dealing with very dense occlusions and extreme lighting conditions and produce high-quality images from pure event data.

Previous version has been published in CVPR'21 Event-based Synthetic Aperture Imaging with a Hybrid Network, which is selected as one of the Best Paper Candidates.

Environment setup

  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.6.0
  • torchvision 0.7.0
  • opencv-python 4.4.0
  • numpy, argparse, matplotlib
  • sewar, lpips (for evaluation, optional)

You can create a new Anaconda environment with the above dependencies as follows.
Please make sure to adapt the CUDA toolkit version according to your setup when installing torch and torchvision.

conda create -n esai python=3.6
conda activate esai
pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download model and data

Pretrained Model

Pretrained model can be downloaded via Baidu Net Disk.
HybridNet and RefocusNet (Password: u8a4)
Note that the network structure is slightly different from the model in our CVPR paper.


Some example data is available now. The whole dataset will be released soon.
ExampleData (Password: dklm)
You can also download them via Google Drive.

Quick start


Change the parent directory to './codes/'

cd codes
  • Create directories
mkdir -p PreTraining Results Example_data/{Raw,Processed}
  • Copy the pretrained model to directory './PreTraining/'
  • Copy the event data and the corresponding occlusion-free APS images to directories './Example_data/Raw/Event/' and './Example_data/Raw/APS/'

E-SAI+Hybrid (M)

Run E-SAI+Hybrid with manual refocusing module.

  • Preprocess event data with manual refocusing
python Preprocess.py --do_event_refocus=1 --input_event_path=./Example_data/Raw/Event/ --input_aps_path=./Example_data/Raw/APS/
  • Run reconstruction (using only HybridNet)
python Test_ManualRefocus.py --reconNet=./PreTraining/Hybrid.pth --input_path=./Example_data/Processed/Event/ --save_path="./Results/Test/"

The reconstruction results will be saved at save_path (default: './Results/Test/').

E-SAI+Hybrid (A)

Run E-SAI+Hybrid with auto refocusing module.

  • Preprocess event data without refocusing
python Preprocess.py --do_event_refocus=0 --input_event_path=./Example_data/Raw/Event/ --input_aps_path=./Example_data/Raw/APS/
  • Run reconstruction (using HybridNet and RefocusNet)
python Test_AutoRefocus.py --reconNet=./PreTraining/Hybrid.pth --refocusNet=./PreTraining/RefocusNet.pth --input_path=./Example_data/Processed/Event/ --save_path="./Results/Test/"

The reconstruction results will be saved at save_path (default: './Results/Test/').
This code will also calculate the Max Pixel Shift Error (MPSE) and save the result in './Results/Test/MPSE.txt'.


Evaluate the reconstruction results with metrics PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS.

  • Copy the occlusion-free APS images in './Example_data/Raw/APS/' to directory './Results/True/'
  • Run evaluation
python Evaluation.py

This code will create an IQA.txt file containing the quantitative results in './Results/IQA.txt'.


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

  title={Event-based Synthetic Aperture Imaging with a Hybrid Network},
  author={Zhang, Xiang and Liao, Wei and Yu, Lei and Yang, Wen and Xia, Gui-Song},