
A Javascript module made to simplify communication with ScPrime Public Portals from the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

skynet-js - Javascript ScPrime Public Portals Client

A Javascript module made to simplify communication with ScPrime Public Portals from the browser.


Using npm

npm install pubaccess-js

Using yarn

yarn add pubaccess-js


  • Clone the repository
  • Run yarn
  • Run yarn test to run the tests

Docs: using standalone function

async upload(portalUrl, file, [options])

import { upload } from "pubaccess-js";

Use the portalUrl to upload file contents.

portalUrl (string) - The string portal url.

file (File) - The file to upload.

options.onUploadProgress (function) - Optional callback to track progress.

Returns a promise that resolves with a { publink } or throws error on failure.

const onUploadProgress = (progress, { loaded, total }) => {
  console.info(`Progress ${Math.round(progress * 100)}%`);

try {
  const { publink } = await upload(portalUrl, file, { onUploadProgress });
} catch (error) {
  // handle error

async uploadDirectory(portalUrl, directory, filename, [options])

import { uploadDirectory } from "pubaccess-js";

Use the portalUrl to upload directory contents as a filename.

portalUrl (string) - The string portal url.

directory (Object) - Directory map { "file1.jpeg": <File>, "subdirectory/file2.jpeg": <File> }

filename (string) - Output file name (directory name).

options.onUploadProgress (function) - Optional callback to track progress.

Returns a promise that resolves with a { publink } or throws error on failure.

Browser example

import path from "path-browserify";

const getFilePath = (file) => file.webkitRelativePath || file.path || file.name;

const getRelativeFilePath = (file) => {
  const filePath = getFilePath(file);
  const { root, dir, base } = path.parse(filePath);
  const relative = path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep).slice(1);

  return path.join(...relative, base);

const getRootDirectory = (file) => {
  const filePath = getFilePath(file);
  const { root, dir } = path.parse(filePath);

  return path.normalize(dir).slice(root.length).split(path.sep)[0];

const onUploadProgress = (progress, { loaded, total }) => {
  console.info(`Progress ${Math.round(progress * 100)}%`);

try {
  const filename = getRootDirectory(files[0]);
  const directory = files.reduce((acc, file) => {
    const path = getRelativeFilePath(file);

    return { ...acc, [path]: file };
  }, {});

  const { publink } = await uploadDirectory(portalUrl, directory, filename, { onUploadProgress });
} catch (error) {
  // handle error

download(portalUrl, publink)

import { download } from "pubaccess-js";

Use the portalUrl to download publink contents.

portalUrl (string) - The string portal url.

publink (string) - 46 character publink.

Returns nothing.

open(portalUrl, publink)

import { open } from "pubaccess-js";

Use the portalUrl to open publink in a new browser tab. Browsers support opening natively only limited file extensions like .html or .jpg and will fallback to downloading the file.

portalUrl (string) - The string portal url.

publink (string) - 46 character publink.

Returns nothing.

getUrl(portalUrl, publink, [options])

import { getUrl } from "pubaccess-js";

Use the portalUrl to generate direct publink url.

portalUrl (string) - The string portal url.

publink (string) - 46 character publink.

options.download (boolean) - Option to include download directive in the url that will force a download when used. Defaults to false.

Docs: using PubaccessClient

import PubaccessClient from "pubaccess-js";

const client = new PubaccessClient("https://scp.techandsupply.ca");

Client implements all the standalone functions as methods with bound portalUrl so you don't need to repeat it every time.