
A base Python 3.10 Slim FAPI image for simulating some current production environments.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Python 3.10 Slim FAPI Dockerfile Example

A base Python 3.10 Slim FAPI image1 for basing projects available at EWC Docker Hub.

Installed Python Dependencies

The following pip dependencies are already installed.

  • fastapi
  • uvicorn

Build & Compose Up

Note that the py-fapi-31-slim is the Docker Compose Service to Build.

There is a build script included that uses the local .env file & an Evil Wizard Creations Protocol that makes this much simpler.


Alternatively there is the full Procedure.

  1. Build the Image using the docker-compose-build.yaml configuration.

    docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-build.yaml build --no-cache py-fapi-31-slim
  2. Compose Up using the docker-compose-build.yaml configuration will use the new built Image and -d to detach.

    docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-build.yaml up -d

Build Image The Long Way

Build the Docker Image without using cached versions of previous image build stages.

sudo docker build \
    -f py-fapi-31-slim.Dockerfile \
    --target build-py-fapi-31-slim \
    --build-arg APP_ENV=local \
    --no-cache \
    -t py-fapi-31-slim:latest \


  • Using -f py-fapi-31-slim.Dockerfile

    To specify the filename to build otherwise it is expected to be named Dockerfile.

  • Using --target build-py-fapi-31-slim

    To select the build target stage2 from the Dockerfile.

  • Using --build-arg ARG=value

    To set build argument values to use.

Create A Container

This creates a named container and attaches it to the host network and may cause port conflict if the host machine is already listening on any exposed ports from the Docker Image being used.

sudo docker run \
    -d \
    --network host \
    -v "$(pwd)"/public_html:/code/src \
    --name py-fapi-31-slim \


This creates a named container and attaches it to the bridge network and allows for port forward mapping from the host to the Container.

sudo docker run \
    -d \
    --network bridge \
    -p 8080:80/tcp \
    -v "$(pwd)"/src:/code/src \
    --name py-fapi-31-slim \


  • Using -v "$(pwd)"/src:/code/src

    To Volume Mount the folder src from the current folder to /code/src on the running container. It is where Python FAPI serves the content from & allows for realtime change updates.

  • Using -p 8080:80/tcp

    To map port 8080 on the Host machine to port 80 on the Container using the bridge network.

  • Using --name py-fapi-31-slim

    To name the Container being created.

Start Container

sudo docker start py-fapi-31-slim

Stop Container

sudo docker stop py-fapi-31-slim

Connect To Container

sudo docker exec -it py-fapi-31-slim /bin/bash


This Image is intended for Development purpose only & to use as a learning aid. DO NOT use this anywhere near a Production environment.


  1. Use docker pull ewc2020/web:py-fapi-3.10-slim-latest to get a copy of the image.

  2. Used mostly in Multi Stage image builds.