
This project aims to ensure the reliability and functionality of the Demo Bank website through automated testing.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

⚡️Demo Bank Automated Testing 2024-01-10_06h29_59


This project aims to ensure the reliability and functionality of the Demo Bank website through automated testing. Leveraging the Playwright framework with TypeScript, we strive to streamline the testing process, catching potential issues early on and maintaining a robust and error-free web application.

🚀 Features

  • End-to-End Testing: Simulate real user interactions to validate the entire user journey.

  • Scenario Coverage: Cover various user journeys, including login to account, fund transfers, and balance verification.

  • Continuous Integration: Integrate the testing suite into the continuous integration pipeline for quick feedback.

💬 Note

The current branch I am working on:


Here I am presenting tests for the Demo Bank online website. To log in, enter any 8 characters of your ID and any 8 characters of your password. Do not provide real data!

For example:

user id: <--- any 8-character id
user password: <--- any 8-character password

🛠 Technologies Used

  • Playwright Framework: A powerful automation framework for browsers.

  • TypeScript: Enhance code readability and maintainability with strong typing and modern features.

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Automate testing on code changes for a continuous feedback loop.

⚡️ Prepare

Local recommended tools:

  • VS Code
  • Git
  • Node.js (version >16)

Installation and setup

  • Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/DominikCLK/Demo-Bank-Project.git
  • (optional) install VSC recommended plugins
  • install dependencies: npm install
  • setup Playwright with: npx playwright install --with-deps chromium
  • setup husky with: npx husky install
  • prepare local env file: cp .env-template .env
  • To have the test passed set values in created .env file:
USER_ID='' <--pass here any 8 character id
USER_PASSWORD='' <--pass here any 8 character password
LOGGED_USER_NAME='Jan Demobankowy'

Run all tests:

npx playwright test

Run all tests with tags:

npx playwright test --grep /tag/

For more usage cases look in package.json scripts section.

🔗 Test requirements

Summary reports of tests

