
Knife round after warm-up. At the end of the warm-up, the voting of the winning team begins with the help of teams!switch and !stay

Primary LanguageC#

[Knife Round]





I'm trying to make a plugin for 5v5 like on Faceit, which includes a knife round after the warm-up. At the end of the warm-up, the voting of the winning team begins with the commands !switch and !stay to determine who will start the game on either side of the map. This adds an element of strategy and fairness, as teams can choose the most preferable side to start the match.


  // Give Armor On Knife Round?
  // (0) = No
  // (1) = Give Armor
  // (2) = Give Armor + Helmet
  "GiveArmorOnKnifeRound": 1,

  // Freeze Players On Voting
  "FreezeOnVote": true,

  // Block Team Changing (To Avoid Loser Switch To Winner Team And Vote)
  "BlockTeamChangeOnVoteAndKnife": true,

  // Knife Round Time (In Mins)
  "KnifeRoundTimer": 2,

  // After Winner Pick Team How Many Restart Would You Like
  "AfterWinningRestartXTimes": 3,

  // Here you need to indicate under what name the plugin will write to the chat.
  "ChatDisplayName": "AVA",

  // It is necessary to indicate how long the team will take before the knife round.
  "TeamIntroTimeKnifeStart": 5,

  // It is not working, sorry
  "TeamIntroTimeAfterKnife": 5,

  // Message about the start of a knife round
  "StartMessage": "Knives ready?",

  // Message about the start of voting for changing sides, you can say "Voting has started"
  "VoteMessage": "Voting has started",

  // The description of the !switch command will be something like this, "!switch - (your description like "switch sides")"
  "SwitchMessage": "Switch sides",

  // The description of the !stay command will be something like this, "!stay - (your description like "Do not change sides)"
  "StayMessage": "Do not change sides",

  // Eternal warm-up after the knife round (done if you absolutely need to choose a side (there is no random at the end of the warm-up yet))
  // true = on
  // false = off
  "PauseWarmupTimerAfterKnife": true,

  //Time for warm-up if PuaseWarmupTimerAfterKnif is set to false
  "WarmupTimeAfterKnife": 60,

  // How do you say "votes" in your language?
  "LocalizedVote": "votes",

  "ConfigVersion": 1

[Initial project]

I started with the original project https://github.com/oqyh/cs2-Knife-Round, but I've modified it to be closer to what's on Faceit. However, I'm currently unable to adapt it to a system where there is a captain.