
O projeto EvysLearning é uma plataforma de cursos distância com atividades para estudantes que querem aprender inglês e programação pelo Brasil. Dessa forma, decidiu-se utilizar o banco de dados PostgreSQL com Dockerização e implementação de testes unitários.

Primary LanguageGo

Evy´s Learning: Course Platform

💻 Project Description

This project consists of a platform called Evy's Learning with the aim of offering distance learning courses with activities for students who want to learn english and programming in Brazil. An Entity-Relationship diagram was drawn to illustrate this solution:


⚙️ Features

  • Create, edit, delete and update a course
  • Create, edit, delete and update a class
  • Create, edit, delete and update an activity
  • Create, edit, delete and update an activity
  • Unit and integration tests with native Go packages

🚀 Project Execution


Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Go. In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code, such as VSCode. We will adopt containerization with Docker and relational persistence with the PostgreSQL database.

🧭 Running the application

# Clone this repository

# Access the project folder via the following terminal
$ cd evys-learning

# Initialize module in Go

# To synchronize code dependencies
$ go mod tidy

# Start and run containers in background
$ docker-compose up -d

# Allows command execution in the bash shell inside the container
$ docker-compose exec postgres bash

# Connect PostgreSQL database server running on local machine using psql command line too
$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

🛠 Technologies

The following tools were used during the development of the project: (Go + HTML5 + Docker + PostgreSQL)

🦸 Author

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