
Wrapper to use docker-compose for integration testing

Primary LanguageGo

Test Helpers

Test helpers contains a list of useful tools for writing integration tests.

Docker Compose Client

Integration tests should use the docker-compose.yml set-up in the root of the project.

In order to automate testing using the docker-compose.yml file, this package exposes a series of useful helper methods.

Example docker-compose file:

version: '3.9'

    image: auth-service 

    image: deployment-service
package main

import (

func TestCanDoSomething(t *testing.T) {
	is := is.New(t)
	client := setup.NewDockerComposeClient()
	// Gets the absolute path of the root directory + 'docker-compose.yml'
	// I.e. /Users/ewanvalentine/development/my-project/docker-compose.yml'
	// This is useful for testing, as your tests may execute from various different 
	// directories and contexts
	path, err := setup.GetRootConfigPath("docker-compose.yml")
	// `$ docker compose up`
	err = client.Up(path)

	// This runs `$ docker compose ps` on an interval until the containers specific have started successfully
	retries := 10
	interval := time.Second * 3
	done := client.WaitMany([]string{"auth-service", "deployment-service"}, retries, interval)
	// Do things with your containers