Is a simple RPC library for Golang, which uses binary encoding/decoding based on a DSL for type safety.

Eze uses code generation to generate the boilerplate code.

This project is purely for a "fun" because I'm sick of gRPC, and am imagining a world where there's something easier to use. So... don't use it in production. If you do, then it's your own silly fault if something goes horribly wrong.

What's funny is, it basically doesn't solve any problem that gRPC has, other than being smaller. But it's smaller because it barely functions. But it killed a few hours, and who knows, maybe there's enough other people out there who CBA with gRPC anymore, that this could take off and actual adults could take over the development of this.


$ go install github.com/EwanValentine/eze-rpc


Define an Eze schema

package users

service UserService {
	GetUser(request: GetUserRequest): User
	CreateUser(request: CreateUserRequest): User

struct CreateUserRequest {
	Name: String

struct User {
	ID: String
	Name: String

struct GetUserRequest {
	ID: String

Run the code generate command

eze generate --input=example.eze --output=.

Implement the generated interface

type UserService struct{}

func (s *UserService) GetUser(user *users.GetUserRequest) (*users.User, error) {
	return &users.User{
		ID:   user.ID,
		Name: "Ewan",
	}, nil

func (s *UserService) CreateUser(user *users.CreateUserRequest) (*users.User, error) {
	return &users.User{
		ID:   "123",
		Name: user.Name,
	}, nil

Register the server

srv := users.NewServer()
srv.RegisterService("UserService", &UserService{})
if err := srv.Serve(":8080"); err != nil {

Call the server

getConnection := users.NewConnection(":8080")

client := users.NewUserServiceClient(getConnection)
response, err := client.GetUser(&users.GetUserRequest{
    ID: "123",
if err != nil {


createResponse, err := client.CreateUser(&users.CreateUserRequest{
    Name: "Ewan",
if err != nil {
