
Example of using Netlify Edge Functions to create an adaptive UI with no client-side JavaScript.

Primary LanguageHTML

Personalized UIs with No Client-Side JavaScript

This is an experiment with Netlify Edge Functions to show how we can create adaptive UIs without client-side JavaScript.

This example uses Edge Functions to set and read a cookie.

  • Every time the user navigates to a new page on the site, the cookie is updated with a score for the type of content that was visited
  • The score reflects an assumed interest in that category of content (more clicks === more interest is the assumption)
  • When the home page is loaded, products are sorted so the most interesting show up first based on the user's current score

Try it out here: https://no-js-personalization.netlify.app/

Local development

# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:jlengstorf/no-js-personalization.git

# move into the folder
cd no-js-personalization/

# install dependencies
npm i

# install the Netlify CLI
npm i -g netlify-cli

# start the local dev server
ntl dev


This demo uses: