A library to help the creation of a deps.edn file (tools.deps) from a project.clj file (Leiningen).
From a Leiningen project, create the following namespace:
(ns my-lein-project.lein-to-deps
(:require [lein-to-deps.lein-to-deps :as to-deps]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint])
(:import [java.io FileNotFoundException]))
(defn -main []
(let [;; Read the raw Leiningen project.clj file into a map
{:keys [dependencies repositories]} (to-deps/read-raw "project.clj")
;; Read the deps.edn file into a map
deps-map (try (read-string (slurp "deps.edn"))
(catch FileNotFoundException e {}))
;; Update the deps.edn map with the dependencies and repositories from the project.clj map
;; Also set the :paths entry of the deps.edn map to a hard coded value
deps-map (merge
{:paths ["src" "target/classes"]}
;; lein-to-deps provides two helper functions to convert from the Leiningen
;; dependencies and repositores formats into the tools.deps formats
(to-deps/format-dependencies dependencies)
(to-deps/format-repositories repositories))]
;; Pretty print the result into the deps.edn file
(binding [*print-level* nil
*print-length* nil]
(spit "deps.edn" (with-out-str (pprint/pprint deps-map))))))
Create a script at the root of the project called lein-to-deps.sh
and execute it:
clojure -Sdeps "{:deps {lein-to-deps/lein-to-deps {:git/url \"git@github.com:EwenG/lein-to-deps.git\" :sha \"36571bcc08c66a91b85e4036d609ff5a0563fb61\" :tag \"1.0.0\"}}}" -m my-lein-project.lein-to-deps