
Entropy is a CLI tool that will scan your codebase for high entropy lines, which are often secrets.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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Paranoïd about having secrets leaked in your huge codebase? Entropy is here to help you find them!


Go Reference Go Report Card

Entropy is a CLI tool that will scan your codebase for high entropy lines, which are often secrets.


From source with Go (preferred)

go install github.com/EwenQuim/entropy@latest

# More options
entropy -h
entropy -top 20 -ext go,py,js
entropy -top 5 -ignore-ext min.js,pdf,png,jpg,jpeg,zip,mp4,gif my-folder my-file1 my-file2

or in one line

go run github.com/EwenQuim/entropy@latest

With brew

brew install ewenquim/repo/entropy

# More options
entropy -h
entropy -top 20 -ext go,py,js
entropy -top 5 -ignore-ext min.js,_test.go,pdf,png,jpg my-folder my-file1 my-file2

With docker

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ewenquim/entropy /data

# More options
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ewenquim/entropy -h
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ewenquim/entropy -top 20 -ext go,py,js /data
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data ewenquim/entropy -top 5 /data/my-folder /data/my-file

The docker image is available on Docker Hub.

The -v option is used to mount the current directory into the container. The /data directory is the default directory where the tool will look for files. Don't forget to add /data at the end of the command, otherwise the tool will search inside the container, not your local filesystem.

My other projects

  • Fuego: A Go framework that generates OpenAPI documentation from your codebase.
  • Renpy-Graphviz: A tool to generate a graph of the Ren'Py game engine's screens and labels.