What is this

A demo web application on OSX/Linux using:

  • Spring boot

  • Tomcat

  • Docker (tomcat and spring-boot application container)

  • Gulp (build)


  • Install Java 1.8

  • Install node.js

  • Install npm

  • Install docker (docker-toolbox for non-linux platform)

  • Install gulp

$ npm install -g gulp
  • Install npm dependencies
$ npm install
  • Build containers
$ gulp init
  • Open the web application

    • If you're using docker-toolbox on non-linux platform, you need to find your container host ip, e.g.
    $ docker-machine ip default
    # Open your browser, and go to:



  • -e / --env

    Set task environment

    Available Value: dev | prod

    Default Value: dev


  • init

    Fresh build:

    • Create docker files for given environment (default is dev)
    • Clean previous docker app process/image (excluding BASE image)
    • Build app containers
  • setup

    Setup environment templates and files (such as creating Dockerfile for 'dev' environment)

  • build

    Build all of our docker containers for given environment

  • rebuild-app

    Remove app container and image, leaving media container intact, and rebuild a new app container for given environment

  • clean

    Cleanup: Remove all media, app container and image

  • clean-app

    Remove app container and image, leaving media container intact, and rebuild a new app container


  • gulp for streamlined build

  • gulp build per environment using template and argument, e.g.

    $ gulp init -e=dev

  • users for tomcat manager per environment using tomcat-user.xml

  • separated docker base, app, and data volume container

  • Update app using gulp task:rebuild-app, while data volume is not destroyed or modified in the process