
VueJS Tooltip powered by Tippy.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VueTippy - V6

npm vue2 download

Vue.js 3 wrapper for Tippy.js

For Tippy.js v4 use v4 branch


For full v6 documentation, visit https://vue-tippy.netlify.app/.


npm install vue-tippy@v6


yarn add vue-tippy@v6

Configuration (optional)

import { createApp } from 'vue'

import VueTippy from 'vue-tippy'
// or
import { plugin as VueTippy } from 'vue-tippy'

const app = createApp({})

  // optional
    directive: 'tippy', // => v-tippy
    component: 'tippy', // => <tippy/>



Vue Directive

  <button v-tippy="{ content: 'Hi!' }">Tippy!</button>
  <button v-tippy="'Hello!'">Tippy!</button>

  The below is optional in case you 
  installed the plugin globally
  import { directive } from 'vue-tippy'

  export default {
    directives: {
      tippy: directive,

Vue Component

  <tippy content="Hi!">

  The below is optional in case you 
  installed the plugin globally
  import { Tippy } from 'vue-tippy'

  export default {
    components: [Tippy],

Using composition api

import { defineComponent, ref, h } from 'vue'
import { useTippy } from 'vue-tippy'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const button = ref()

    useTippy(button, {
      content: 'Hi!',

    return () => h('button', { ref: button }, 'Tippy!')