
Clear your torrent downloads. Pulls out files based on extensions and creates a dump folder out of them.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flash is a helpful script to clear your torrent directories of junks. It is named flash because I got the idea for it while watching Flash. It parses your torrent directory and searches for files that you want to ideally remove. Then it picks those files and places them in a dump folder in the root of your torrent directory. You can do whatever you want to with that folder.

It reads your configuration from a config.json file which has the following structure

  • include array specifies the file extensions to be included while parsing the directory.

  • exclude specifies the file extensions that should not be touched. Safety measure

  • size A parameter to parse directory based on file size. This is an upper limit parameter(Will be used later to add more functionality)


  • Make error logs more user friendly
  • Implement safety measure using exclude values