
❤️ I started learning Rust, if you wanna join me, welcome!

Primary LanguageRust

Learn Rust

I'm learning Rust, and here are my study notes.

In each program, you'll find extensive explanations.

This will be a long journey. So I suggest you watching this repository for updates.

Official Rust Book Studies Index

  1. Getting Started
    1. Install Rust
    2. First Program
    3. First Cargo Program
    4. Let's build a Guessing Game
  2. Basics
    1. Ifs and Loops
    2. Basic Types
    3. Variables
  3. Ownership & Borrowing
    1. Scopes
    2. String Ownership
    3. Moving
    4. Funcs
    5. References
    6. Dangling-Pointer-Free
    7. Slice Internals
  4. Organizing Data
    1. Struct Basics
    2. Struct Example
    3. Methods: OOP Rust
    4. Enums: Another way to organize data
  5. Match Expressions
  6. Packages
  7. Collections
    1. Vectors
    2. Strings
    3. HashMaps
    4. 🏋️‍♂️ Exercises 🏋️‍♀️

My Notes