
A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs.

Primary LanguagePython


A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs.


You must have a Redis DB instance running (which is currently used as the Celery broker).

You must also have a MongoDB instance running as the application's write layer.


  1. Clone teh repository
git clone https://github.com/ibex-app/data-collection-and-processing
  1. Navigate to the colonned directory
cd data-collection-and-processing
  1. Clone repository for models within the same direcotry
git clone https://github.com/ibex-app/ibex_models
  1. pip install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up a message redis broker for selery (wollow the instructions here https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/getting-started/backends-and-brokers/redis.html#broker-redis)

  2. Set celery parameters in app/config/constants.py

  3. Run the celery worker:

celery -A app.core.celery.worker worker -l info

Note, that Celery does not support Windows, so you should probably include


to avoid any unnecessary errors (for testing only).

  1. Run data collectino process:
python main.py --monitor_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

for sample data collectino add --sample=Trye argument:

python main.py --monitor_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --sample=True

Run flower instance for interactive dashboard:

python celery -A app.core.celery.worker flower

And make sure to include CROWDTANGLE_TOKEN, YOUTUBE_TOKEN, TELEGRAM_HASH, TELEGRAM_ID, VK_USER, VK_PASS, and MONGO_CS as environment variables and set credentials into app/core/datasources/twitter/.twitter_keys.yaml file for the respective collectors to work properly.

Monitor -> CollectActions (sub-monitors) -> CollectTasks

Platform (data source) Account (account)

flowchart LR
B(Get Monitor) --> C(Get CollectActions)
C --> D(Generate CollectTasks)
D --> E(Run CollectTasks)
E --> F(Generate DownloadTasks)
F --> G(Run DownloadTasks)
G --> H(Generate ProcessTasks)
H --> I(Run ProcessTasks)


graph LR
B(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x) --> C(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x from Facebook)
B --> D(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x from Youtube)
B --> E(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x from Twitter)
B -->|N/A| F(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x from Telegram)
B --> G(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x from VKontakte)
C --> I(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x 0-10 from Facebook)
C --> J(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x 10-20 from Facebook)
C --> K(Collect posts mentioning search terms with tag x 20-30 from Facebook)
C --> L(...)


graph LR
B(Collect posts from accounts with tag x) --> C(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from Facebook)
B --> D(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from Youtube)
B --> E(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from Twitter)
B --> F(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from Telegram)
B --> G(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from VKontakte)
C --> I(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from 0-10 from Facebook)
C --> J(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from 10-20 from Facebook)
C --> K(Collect posts from accounts with tag x from 20-30 from Facebook)
C --> L(...)