
Hi there 👋, I am Vysakh P Pillai

😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His

💬 Ask me about embedded systems, system security, cloud connected systems, CI/CD for embedded systems

🔗 My blog : https://embeddedinn.xyz

🌏 Social : vysakhpillai vysakh-pillai embeddedinn telegram

💻 Languages and tools I work with

  embeddedC gcc git github Python qemu riscv raspberry Arduino vim linux jenkins bash putty AWS Azure vscode google html CSS redis mysql nodeJS npm JS docker pandas tensorFlow electron filezilla inkscape salesforce

✍🏿 Latest Blog Posts

🥇 Here are some stats from my work here at GitHub

vppillai's monthly coding activity


🛠️ Some tools I maintain

  1. Crypto Scripts
    1. Crypto Header Generator
    2. ECDSA File Signer with webCrypto
  2. Microchip Wireless Project Listing
  3. Vishnu Sahasranamam learning tool
  4. Harmony3 repo manager CLI
  5. Harmony3 Project Memory Analyzer
  6. Harmony3 Peoject renamer
  7. WFI32 PPS selector