
This Meteor package allows to display Bootstrap modal dialogs with custom content (even custom templates or autoforms) and get the result.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This Atmosphere package for Meteor makes it really easy to show a confirm dialog with custom content to the user, and get the result. You can also use a custom template for the content, and even specify a SimpleSchema to generate a form with AutoForm and get the form data in a callback.

Version: 0.0.3


meteor add dasdeck:bootstrap-modal-prompt


Twitter Bootstrap 3 needs to be present. You can manually include it in your project, or use one of the many Bootstrap packages, like https://atmospherejs.com/twbs/bootstrap.



  • Show a simple dialog with text content:
    title: "Confirm something",
    content: "Do you really want to confirm whatever?"
}, function(result) {
  if (result) {
    // User confirmed it, so go do something.
  else {
    // User did not confirm, do nothing.
  • Use a custom template and, customize the button text:
    title: "Confirm something",
    template: Template.myCustomTemplate,
    templateData: {
      customKey: 333
    btnDismissText: 'Forget it!',
    btnOkText: 'Alright, let\'s do it!'
}, function(result) {
  if (result) {
    // User confirmed it, so go do something.
  else {
    // User did not confirm, do nothing.
  • Render an AutoForm with a SimpleSchema, and receive the data in the callback.
var MyFancySchema = new SimpleSchema({
  comments: {
    type: String,
    min: 20

    title: "Confirm something",
    formSchema: MyFancySchema,
}, function(data) {
  if (data) {
    // User confirmed it, so go do something.
  else {
    // User did not confirm, do nothing.

Hint: if you want to customize the form with {{#autoForm}} or do other javascript stuff, use a custom template as shown above!

  • Use a custom dialog template for ultimate flexibility.
<template name="RequestDemoModal">
  <div class="bs-modal-prompt">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
          <h3 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">We want to hear you out!</h3>
        {{#autoForm id='requestDemo' schema=requestDemoSchema type="method" meteormethod="requestDemo" resetOnSuccess=false}}
        <div class="modal-body">
          <p>Provide us some info to get in touch.</p>
          {{> afQuickField name="name"}}
          {{> afQuickField name="email"}}
          {{> afQuickField name="phone"}}
        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Send</button>
  'click .js-request-demo': function () {
      dialogTemplate: Template.RequestDemoModal

  requestDemoSchema: function () {
    return Schema.RequestDemo;

  requestDemo: {
    onSuccess: function(operation, result, template) {


  • Hide the current modal

API & Options

BootstrapModalPrompt.prompt(options, callback);

The following options are supported:

Option Description
title The modal title
content A string that will be used as the modal body content
template A Meteor Template instance that should be rendered as the body content (supersedes "content")
templateData an object with data that will be available to the custom template
dialogTemplate A Meteor Template instance that should be rendered as the modal dialog (supersedes 'content' and 'template') (works with templateData)
btnDismissText Text of the dismiss button - set to null to hide
btnOkText Text of the confirm button - set to null to hide
beforeShow Callback that will be called before the modal is displayed. Receives the options and the modal DOM node as arguments
afterShow Callback that will be called once the modal is displayed and all transitions are complete. Receives the options and the modal DOM node as arguments
beforeHide Callback that will be called before the modal is hidden. Receives the options and the modal DOM node as arguments
afterHide Callback that will be called once the modal is hidden and all transitions are completed. Receives the options and the modal DOM node as arguments
onConfirm Callback that is called when the user clicks the confirm button. Receives the options and the modal DOM node as arguments. If this function returns false, the confirmation is aborted and the modal will not be hidden.


This project is under the MIT License.
