
A java file server built on the moon library

Primary LanguageJava


A java file server built on the moon library


You are using an screenshot capture tool like ShareX and don't want to use public cloud services for hosting your uploaded images and files? Then you should consider using Imagini. It's an on-premises http file server supporting direct use with ShareX and other uploaders where you can customize the upload target.



Imagini features a paginated and password protected gallery where you can access all your uploaded files. It is accessible using the /gallery endpoint. Gallery

Delete URL

You can delete uploaded pictures using a delete link. The delete URL looks like this: http://your-domain.com/delete/<filename>. Your gallery password is needed to delete images.


Your server needs to run at least Java 8. Just simply run the imagini-server jar file. It will automatically create an example configuration.

Using Docker

You can also use the provided docker image for easy deployment: https://hub.docker.com/r/exceptionflug/imagini


version: "3.7"
    image: exceptionflug/imagini
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8080:80"
      - "./data/imagini:/opt/imagini"




  "bindingAddress": "", <--- Address under which the service is accessible 
  "port": 8080, <--- Port under which the service is accessible
  "accounts": [ <--- An array containing multiple accounts
      "redirectUrl": "http://localhost:8080/", <--- The URL which will be sent back to the uploader client (must have a trailing /)
      "address": "localhost:8080", <--- The domain name (with port if not port 80 / 443) of the server for this account
      "name": "default" <-- Used for logging
      "accessToken": "kjfrt352351" <--- optional security token that must be used when uploading a file

Example with multiple accounts, multiple domain names and HTTPS via reverse proxy

  "bindingAddress": "",
  "port": 8080,
  "accounts": [
      "redirectUrl": "https://img.exceptionflug.de/",
      "address": "img.exceptionflug.de",
      "name": "Exceptionflug",
      "accessToken": "ofehw4n48f24f"
      "redirectUrl": "https://img.liondev.eu/",
      "address": "img.liondev.eu",
      "name": "LionDev",
      "accessToken": "aldfskof23104534"

In this example our service is hosting two accounts using two different domain names. Since HTTPS is configured, Imagini must run behind a reverse proxy server (nginx or other). The reverse proxy will redirect all requests to without relocating the client. The account of the uploader is determined by the used address of the request. If a client attempts to request https://img.exceptionflug.de/upload the account of Exceptionflug will be used. If some client calls https://img.liondev.eu/upload the account of LionDev will be used. This is an automatic behaviour and cannot be disabled.



Please make sure you are using http method PUT for your URL suffixing /upload. The request body must contain the file to be uploaded. The file name of the file is specified in the request header field File-Name. If an access token is configured for that account, please specify it using the header field Access-Token.


Go to custom target settings and create a new custom upload target: Settings


As soon as an account have been created, it should be secured with a password. To do this, navigate to the gallery page of this account. You are prompted to fill in the authentication details. set password

As username enter the account name specified in the config.json. As password you can enter anything you want. This will set your password. If you want to reset your gallery password, just delete the passwordHash property from the account in the config.json file.