The BCDevExchange website is the public facing site for the BC Developers' Exchange - an experiment in tech innovation and collaboration. *NOTE: This repo is deprecated* and retained only for archival/informational purposes. The repo containing the current BC Developers' Exchange app is Head over there to see the latest code.
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Differentiate between P4P and Community Contribution
#269 opened by ragbay - 1
Code with Us page - link terms and p4p process
#270 opened by ragbay - 0
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Design - Labs Partner
#273 opened by ragbay - 0
As a developer, I want different payment options so I can choose how I get paid for a Pay for Pull.
#265 opened by lmullane - 0
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Testing third party connection
#308 opened by paulroberts68 - 3
Nginx & MongoDB config examples
#309 opened by markwooff - 0
Test DevEx user stories with internal group
#301 opened by paulroberts68 - 3
Test P4P (In progress)
#303 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
Raise the P4P dollar value with OCG
#302 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
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Embed intro video into roadmap
#305 opened by sheaphillips - 4
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Review of JIRA cloud legal terms
#293 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
Create a product Road-Map webpage
#294 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
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Roadmap widget
#296 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
Confirm artifacts of CC transaction
#300 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
Sprint with us
#288 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
PIA for MindMap
#289 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
Sprint With Us ideation for simulation
#290 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
DevEx Contact In-box
#291 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
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Adding "work in progress"
#284 opened by ragbay - 0
Create Labs Terms of Use
#285 opened by DavidR8 - 0
Plan an engagement for BCA API spec
#286 opened by DavidR8 - 0
As Wendy I want to sign up for a notification service so I don't miss pay 4 pulls
#287 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
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Create an About Us page
#282 opened by ragbay - 1
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Simulate payment acceptance using alternative CC mechanism (other than PP)
#297 opened by paulroberts68 - 3
explore "sprint with us" option
#279 opened by ragbay - 1
Investigate options for timeboxing an issue
#281 opened by ragbay - 1
Prototype Jekyll blog for Devx
#278 opened by f-w - 2
Add action buttons to carousel images
#280 opened by f-w - 1
Open source decision matrix
#276 opened by DavidR8 - 0
As a developer, entrepreneur and program owner, I want to learn about the BCDevExchange so I can get involved.
#267 opened by lmullane - 1
As the DevEx business, we need to see more P4P transactions so that compelling success stories can be written
#261 opened by leslieanderson - 0
Transportation Discovery Day
#274 opened by DavidR8 - 0
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As a community developer I want to see the list of completed pay of pul issues so I can get a quick idea of how much community work is getting completed.
#262 opened by kelpisland - 2
As a program lead I need development participants to sign-up to the exchange so that I can maintain a communication channel and build community.
#259 opened by paulroberts68 - 1
Payment methods
#268 opened by DavidR8 - 0
As a lead for the hackathon I need to create a high level milestone based project timeline so that I can track progress.
#260 opened by paulroberts68 - 0
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As the DevX business, I need to capture the story of our first completed P4P.
#263 opened by mark-a-wilson - 0
P4P Engagement Event: Prepare/Create GitHub Issues to discuss during event
#258 opened by mark-a-wilson