- AJuelingKNMI
- atmoschris
- be557308
- brian-roseUniversity at Albany
- BSatyaKishoreTalkingWeights
- dennissergeevUniversity of Exeter -> University of Bristol
- eliadb
- eocene
- eviatarbachUniversity of Reading
- gekaremi
- gridleyAustin, TX
- hdrake@uci-oceanclimate
- jgipperDenver
- jinkyuhong
- jonghun
- lukelbdUniversity of East Anglia
- marysaUniversity of Saskatchewan
- MeteoBoy4
- pankajkarmanKIT Germany
- pdearnshaw
- pkesteneCEA
- Pocket-titanThe Hague, the Netherlands
- rickybassomScience and Technology Facilities Council
- rosscastle
- samhatfield@aopp-pred
- siesteExeter, United Kingdom
- soto97Southwest Research Institute
- spencerahillEarth and Atmospheric Sciences, City College of New York
- TomNicholas@CWorthy-ocean
- Vazerthon
- WANGPengRoc
- WarmCold23Beijing, China
- wseviourUniversity of Exeter
- wusunlabCarnegie Institution for Science
- xiaww97
- zmoon@noaa-oar-arl