An issue in OkHttp Kotlin


Use IDEA to run the Application.kt file.


Dependency Graph

    OkHttp -> Framework -> Project

In this case, we can assume that framework prepares some commonly used OkHttp operations for every module in the whole project.

What Happened

framework module

In module framework, we can run all the OkHttp operations successfully.

But we can't compile MediaType.parse("plain/text; charset=utf-8") in the main function, because the code of OkHttp blocked it.

        message = "moved to extension function",
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
            expression = "mediaType.toMediaTypeOrNull()",
            imports = ["okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull"]),
        level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)     // <------- this line
    fun parse(mediaType: String): MediaType? = mediaType.toMediaTypeOrNull()

project module

In module project, we can only run the OkHttp operation which is written by java in framework successfully.

But we can compile MediaType.parse("plain/text; charset=utf-8") in the main function.

Something I guess

In framework module, @Deprecated blocks this kind of usage, but @JvmStatic @JvmName let the function below visible to project.

    fun String.toMediaTypeOrNull(): MediaType? {
      return try {
      } catch (_: IllegalArgumentException) {

We can use MediaType.parse("plain/text; charset=utf-8") in project module.

Because of the same reason. @JvmStatic @JvmName let okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull become okhttp3.MediaType.parse.

We can see an Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: Companion error when running main function of project module.


I am not sure what this issue blame to, but I prefer to change the DepreciationLevel to a lower level to resolve this issue temporary.