
Symfony 2 integration of the ApaiIO-library.

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Symfony 2 integration of the ApaiIO-library.


All you have to do is to add the following lines to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "exeu/apai-io-bundle": "dev-master"

After you've done this tell composer to update your vendors:

$ php composer.phar update exeu/apai-io-bundle

Finally register the new Bundle with your application:


// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Exeu\ApaiIOBundle\ExeuApaiIOBundle(),
    // ...

Minimal configuration

To get this bundle working you have to add the following to your config.yml

# app/config/config.yml

    accesskey: YOUR ACCESSKEY
    secretkey: YOUR SECRETKEY
    associatetag: YOUR ASSOCIATE TAG
    country: COUNTRY (eg. de, com)

Optional configuration

If you want to change the requesttype or the responsetransformer you can do this by adding it to your config file:

# app/config/config.yml

    request: \ApaiIO\Request\Soap\Request
    response: \ApaiIO\ResponseTransformer\ObjectToArray


To work with ApaiIO you need to get the new service for example in your controller:


$apaiIo = $this->get('apaiio');

Now you can execute your first searchrequest:


// ...
$search = new \ApaiIO\Operations\Search();
$search->setActor('Bruce Willis');
$search->setKeywords('Die Hard');

$formattedResponse = $apaiIo->runOperation($search);


For more detailed information See: ApaiIO - Examples

Documentation of ApaiIO: ApaiIO - Documentation