Functions arguments must be in string format with \ without prefixes "0x", "V"
To show user's address of his wallet, we take the address in the ether format and encode with the function ethToVlx / EthToVlx / eth_to_vlx
const addr = "0x32Be343B94f860124dC4fEe278FDCBD38C102D88";
console.log ("Encoded address:", ethToVlx (addr)); // V5dJeCa7bmkqmZF53TqjRbnB4fG6hxuu4f
To send user's transactions, we take the address in velas format and decode with the function vlxToEth / VlxToEth / vlx_to_eth
const addr = "V5dJeCa7bmkqmZF53TqjRbnB4fG6hxuu4f";
console.log ("Decoded address:", vlxToEth (addr)); // 0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88