Command-Line Tool for Doubly Linked List Operations


This command-line tool allows users to interact with a doubly linked list via a set of commands. It supports reading integer data from a file, printing the data, loading the data into a doubly linked list while handling duplicates, and other utility commands such as clearing the screen and displaying help.


The tool can be run in two modes:

  1. Interactive Mode
  2. File Operation Mode

Interactive Mode

In interactive mode, users can enter commands directly to manipulate the linked list and perform other operations.

Command to Start Interactive Mode

./doubleLinked.exe --interactive


./doubleLinked.exe -i

Once in interactive mode, the following commands are available:

  • help: Displays the help information for interactive commands.
  • read: Prompts the user to enter a filename and reads integer data from the file.
  • print: Prints the data read from the file.
  • load: Loads the data into the linked list, moving duplicates to the front.
  • clear: Clears the screen.
  • quit / exit: Exits the interactive mode.

File Operation Mode

In file operation mode, the tool performs a specific action on the data read from the file and then exits.

Command to Start File Operation Mode

./doubleLinked.exe --file <filename> --action <action>


./doubleLinked.exe -f <filename> -a <action>


  • 0: Reads data from the file and prints it.
  • 1: Reads data from the file, loads it into the linked list, and then prints the list.

Example Usage

Starting Interactive Mode

./doubleLinked.exe --interactive

Reading Data from a File and Printing It

./doubleLinked.exe --file data.txt --action 0

Reading Data from a File and Loading It into the Linked List

./doubleLinked.exe --file data.txt --action 1

Error Handling

The tool includes various error checks and will display appropriate error messages for issues such as insufficient arguments, failed file operations, and invalid commands.


  • The tool assumes the file contains integers separated by spaces.
  • The linked list operations are optimized for handling duplicate values by moving duplicates to the front of the list.

Save this content to a file named ``. This file provides a comprehensive guide to using the command-line tool, detailing its functionalities, commands, and error handling.