
Pod recipie don't work

5opr4ni opened this issue · 11 comments


Sorry to say, your Pod script don't do the work.


Yes! It's not my first cocoa pod project. ;)
Love your grate project, btw.


I also can't get it to work:
'No such module 'SwiftOSC''
Tried the solutions from here till now, which didn't work:

Here's my podfile and it work fine. Maybe you're missing the platform?

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'PodTest' do
    pod 'SwiftOSC', '~> 1.1'


It didn't work. The other way (download, compiling and embedding) resolves the issue, but then neither server, nor client work...

That's my file

`platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'DeleteMe' do
pod 'SwiftOSC', '~> 1.1'


With iOS 9 it didn't work at all!
'Specs satisfying the SwiftOSC (~> 1.1), SwiftOSC (= 1.1.1) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.'
I am using xCode9 with macOS10.13.1

In the meantime try

pod 'SwiftOSC', :git => "https://github.com/devinroth/SwiftOSC.git"

And make sure you compile the framework first before using import SwiftOSC.

Hey have you tried pod update?

The line with
pod 'SwiftOSC', :git => "https://github.com/devinroth/SwiftOSC.git"
actually worked! Thank you!

Have you tried the normal method? I'm pretty sure it's fixed but I just want confirmation.