
Hastily written, super sloppy generator for Dastardly Ducks art & metadata.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dastardly Ducks Genesis Generator

This is the typescript that was used to assemble JSON data and images for the original batch of 10,000 Dastardly Ducks.

It is not well-optimized, as it was not intended to be a long-term piece of code. This is presented in the form used to generated the genesis batch. I was more concerned with making sure the Solidity and website were perfect instead. I just needed the data this outputted to be clean.

🪄 Install GraphicsMagick

GraphicsMagick is a library used by the library to assemble images, which must be downloaded separately and installed for this to work.

If you are on macOS and use Homebrew, you may simply go:

brew install graphicsmagick

Proper Use

Setup with yarn install then run a generation with yarn start.

{IPFS_PATH} must be replaced in all of the token data with the actual IPFS path.


All art assets included for non-commercial use only. Code licensed as MIT.