
Atmospheric retrieval code from Mike Line

Primary LanguagePython

Environment Setup

To run the retrieval code on the multi-core science servers, ssh into a machine (with names science1 through science7) with

ssh -XY <username>@science6

Next, make sure you are in your root development environment with

source deactivate

Then cd into the Linux directory containing the pyMultiNest install with

cd /grp/software/Linux/multinest_test_python2.7

Finally, add the MultiNest library path, the Linux path, the chimera modules path, and the chimera coefficients path to your environment with

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/grp/software/Linux/multinest_test/anaconda3/lib"
export PATH=/grp/software/Linux/multinest_test_python2.7/anaconda2/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=<path_to_central_storage_chimera_package>/OPERATIONAL_HOT_JUPITER_SIMPLE_CLOUD_CLEAR:$PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=<path_to_central_storage_chimera_package>/ABSCOEFF:$PYTHONPATH

And you're all set!

Compile chimera

While logged into a science server, cd into the chimera/OPERATIONAL_HOT_JUPITER_SIMPLE_CLOUD_CLEAR directory and run

rm _tran_module.so
python setup.py build_ext —inplace
rm cea2.x

Then cd back to the MultiNest install on the science server with

cd /grp/software/Linux/multinest_test_python2.7

All set!