
My config

Primary LanguageShell

⚙️ Dotfiles

My configuration files, samples, and helpers.

🪄 Automatic installation script

install.sh is a script written with POSIX Shell.
It allows the installation of basic tools on linux.

Run the script install.sh to

  1. Install vim, git, htop, iftop, iotop, tree, zsh, make, wget, sudo, rsync, curl.
  2. Clone ohmyzsh.git and set the configuration files (zsh will be switched as default shell).
  3. Set vim configuration files with plugins.
  4. (Optionnal Arch only) install packages from arch-package-list with pikaur, and set the Windows manager (wayland + sway).

Script usage

install.sh [OPTIONS]:
-d     Use debug mode
-l     Set log path (default /tmp)
-n     Skip all user interaction.  Implied 'No' to all actions
-h     Display this help and exit



Tested on

  • Alpine
  • Arch (wm conf 🐮 available)
  • Debian 12+
  • Fedora 40+
  • Manjaro
  • Ubuntu 24+

Install testing tool available on docker_conf/install_test

🐳 Docker confs

Docker configuration samples, with helper tools

Docker container Base image pull (*custom) Arguments Comments
Filebrowser filebrowser/filebrowser $FILEBROWSER_PATH
Gitea gitea/gitea Behind nginx_certbot proxy
Gluetun qmcgaw/gluetun $VPN_KEY
Jdownloader2 jlesage/jdownloader-2* $JDOWNLOADER_DL_PATH Behind gluetun network
Nginx_certbot nginx:mainline-alpine* $DOMAIN Allows redirection for gitea, vaultwarden, and snappymail containers
Creates and renews certifications with certbot automatically
Install_test * $IMAGES Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Alpine, Archlinux, and Manjarolinux/base are used by default
Plex linuxserver/plex $PLEX_PATH
Mail_server mailserver/docker-mailserver $MAIL_DOMAIN Add/Del mail accounts with setup-mail.sh
Creates opendkim conf with setup-opendkim.sh
smtp_sample available
Snappymail kouinkouin/snappymail For the first time configuration use mail.domain.com/?admin.
Accepts user admin and password from /docker-data/snappymail/data/default/admin_password.txt
Behind nginx_certbot proxy
Syncthing syncthing/syncthing* $SYNCTHING_PATH Behind gluetun network
Transmission lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission $TRANSMISSION_DL_PATH Behind gluetun network
Vaultwarden vaultwarden/server $VW_ADMIN_PASS_ENABLED $VW_ADMIN_PASS_ENABLED allows https://VW-DOMAIN/admin access
Behind nginx_certbot proxy
Ydl alpine* $YDL_MUSIC_PATH Behind gluetun network
Firefox jlesage/firefox* Behind gluetun network

All the containers by default

  • use a docker-run.sh script to build and run the container
  • are detached and volatiles (-d --rm)
  • use /docker-data and /docker-data-nobackup folder for data storage
  • share localtime and timezone with the host
  • can work without docker-compose
  • log to journald
  • could be started independently with args or with /tools/manager
  • use docker_user:docker_group 1000:1000 for user permission (data access)
  • could use external and custom images

Docker Tools


ssh-backup script is used to backup the /docker-data dir from a host or locally.
./ssh-backup $host $output_dir
vaultwarden-db-backup script create a backup from the local /docker-data/vaultwarden/sqlite.db.


Script created to manage all docker containers (one to rule them all).
Can start containers, allows auto-heal, forwards errors with msmtp, and could be started with systemd.
./docker_manager $start||stop||reload $conf_file (tun_conf or vps_conf samples)


Fail2ban configuration sample for every containers. The script installs every jails and filters.

Notification and Mails

msmtp_sample and feed-update.sh script (allow atom.xml update) availables.


  • README: add screenshots samples?
  • docker nginx: fignoler le poro
  • Docker xvnc : try with web-browser behind gluetun + start on session only